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Feast of the Epiphany
January 6, 2014 all-day
Yearly, forever
Today, January 6, celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany – a day celebrated in Italy of revelation, and festivities; also, the day in 1907 which Dr. Maria Montessori opened her first Casa dei Bambini in Rome.

In many ways, today observes the spread of Montessori on a public level. For the first time ever there was a school whose doors were open to children in need.

In many other ways however, this day celebrates a movement and momentous occasion that shed light into the world of education changing both the scope and thought on how children develop and reach their fullest potential. Children everywhere were given a gift that day.

With the unveiling of Montessori Guide ( on this historic day, it is our hope to commemorate Dr. Montessori and continue to pass along the gift she so freely and lovingly brought to children across the world.

Let us rejoice and celebrate today as a feast for the children.

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